Mr. Sampath offers suture-less cataract surgery with drops or with injection anaesthetic or under general anaesthetic.

Cataract surgery with drops has gained huge popularity and more than 85% of his patients undergo the surgery with drops.  This technique does not involve uncomfortable injections and the recovery period is very short following the surgery. This technique also removes the risks associated with injections around the eye which can, in very rare cases, be serious and sight threatening.

In the audit that he conducted, more than 96% of the patients who underwent this technique, found it to be very satisfactory. Patients who had injection to one eye and drops technique  to the other overwhelmingly preferred the drops technique.

Mr.Sampath is one of the handful of ophthalmic surgeons offering this technique in the Midlands.

Premium Lenses:

Now patients can have both eyes see far and near together by opting for a multifocal lens  or an accommodating IOL  These IOL’s, called “premium” lenses are not available on the NHS  but give an almost full spectrum of vision, from far to near. We would be happy to discuss these options with you

Cataract Surgery with drops

Understanding Cataracts


These are usually age related but can be due to weakness of the structures at any age. Can affect the upper lids/brow/lower lids/upper/mid face

Mr. Sampath is very specialised in this field—it is generally felt by various organisations like the Medical Protection Society  that doctors who do a lot of procedures in the same field have more predictable results than the ones who do the procedure occasionally. Mr Sampath is a specialised Oculoplastic surgeon (does only plastic surgery around the eyes/forehead/upper face) and not a general plastic surgeon.  

Blepharoplasty is a very specialised procedure for the eyelid bags and is usually done under  local anaesthetic  as a day patient.  This can be combined with brow droop correction for upper lids.

About Blepharoplasty


These can vary from simple cysts to rare cancerous lesions. Majority of these lesions can effectively be dealt with surgically as a minor out-patient procedure.

About lid lumps

Majority of the facial palsy patients make a near complete recovery. Eye protection is the most important part of the management while waiting for the functions to recover.  A small proportion of patients need protective eyelid procedures-to prevent corneal ulceration with the risk of permanent reduction in vision.  Facial Palsy can also follow tumour resection surgery eg. acoustic neuroma, salivary gland tumours etc. 

Mr. Sampath runs a joint facial nerve clinic with ENT, Plastic and Neurology consultants for patients who are complex and need combined procedures.

About facial palsy

These are 'serious' lesions can vary from the non metastatic(non spreading) Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) to a fast spreading Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma.

BCC is the commonest type of skin malignancy.  Eyelid/periocular tumours are best dealt with by surgery.  The other skin malignancies like Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Malignant Melanoma, Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma are very rare.

Eyelid tumours are best dealt with by oculoplastic surgeons since they require specialised reconstruction techniques and maintenance of eye surface.

About eyelid tumours
Treated conditions

Trichiasis-lashes rubbing against eye
Entropion-lid turning in
Ectropion- lid turning out
Ptosis- droopy eyelid
Related to trauma(injury)
Congenital abnormalities (from birth)
About lid position abnormalities


This is a very specialised field.  The orbital tumours can vary from the benign types like dermoid to a malignant one like adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Mr. Sampath’s team has an orbital clinic to see the patients and have joint meetings with specialised radiologists and histo-pathological consultants.

About orbital tumours

Usually results from trauma– sport related or otherwise.  Can be associated with eye injuries.  Eye examination vital when dealing with such fractures.

One should seek early attention for management.

About orbital fractures

This is a very complex area of management.  The treatment depends on the severity of the disease, progression of the disease, thyroid function control. 

Mr. Sampath has a combined clinic with the endocrinologist for treating such patients.

The majority of the patients do not have sight threatening problems or cosmetically disabling proptosis(bulgy eyes) and can be treated medically.

Mr. Sampath’s team are specialised in managing the condition. If surgery is required for sight threatening or cosmetic reasons– various options are available like lid surgery, fat decompression, bony decompression etc.

About thyroid eye disease


This can affect any age group– usually due to a blocked tear drainage apparatus.  It can also paradoxically happen due to dry eyes.  There are plenty of other causes like weak lid, ocular surface chance, misdirected lashes etc.

Mr. Sampath’s team run a watery eye clinic at Leicester Royal Infirmary and consults for the condition in the private sector.

The treatment for watery eyes include both and surgical treatment.  Leicester was one of the initial centres to offer surgery endoscopically (key hole without skin incision) when indicated for watery eyes.

About watery eyes (lacrimal problems)

Wrinkles and lines can be static or dynamic (smile lines).  These are treated by a   BOTOX® if they are dynamic.  The static ones are treated by  fillers like Restylane/Perlane®

The injections are done as out patient procedure with no down time.

Information about BOTOX(R)

IPL®  is a relatively new treatment which mainly treats sun damaged facial Skin and also corrects some of the age changes.  There is very little  down time  with this treatment.

Information about Skin Rejuvenation

Eyelid bags
Eyelid tumours
Facial or lid lumps or lesions
Facial palsy
Lid position abnormalities
Orbital fractures
Orbital tumours
Thyroid eye disease
Watery eyes
Wrinkles/facial lines treatment
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While this website is intended to provide general information, the content is not intended to represent official policies and practices of the institutions mentioned in the website  or to substitute for health care provided by a clinician.
Content and design copyright © Mr. Raghavan Sampath (2010-2015)

Mr Raghavan Sampath DO, FRCS, FRCOphth
--Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbit Surgeon--
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