Mr. Raghavan Sampath is a consultant ophthalmic plastic surgeon and an honorary senior lecturer at the University Hospitals of Leicester.  He has held this position since 2000.
Mr. Sampath is one of the few surgeons in the country who perform  around a thousand specialist surgical procedures a year on the eyelid, lacrimal, orbit and other structures in and around the eye.

He is one of those specialist surgeons who have an international stature; he is regularly invited to
He regularly publishes in peer reviewed journals.

Expertise in subspecialty : Mr. Sampath has  completed two full fellowships devoted entirely to corrective eyelid/peri-ocular  plastic surgery.

Work : Mr. Sampath runs a busy tertiary referral centre at the University Hospitals of Leicester and is referred patients from a wide area, given his expertise in his subspecialty.

Teaching : Mr. Sampath lectures widely in his area of expertise and runs one of the few nationally recognised training centres in the field of Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbital diseases.

He is a trainer of international repute having trained many British and foreign ophthalmologists. He has trained about twenty five British and foreign doctors who are now consultants in the field. 

He is  an Examiner of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and a reviewer of their Journal.

Private practice : Mr Sampath runs his private practice from the Spire and the Nuffield hospitals and also the Stoneygate clinic at Leicester.

More than fifteen years of surgical (both cosmetic and corrective)  work experience and dedicated specialist  training have enabled Mr.Sampath to acquire  a solid understanding of eyelids and the surrounding structures and functions. He has developed a sound insight and judgement necessary to thoroughly appreciate the nuances and subtleties of eyelid, lacrimal and orbital diseases / conditions and  treatment. His  patients feel quite comfortable in his care knowing that their surgeon is not only uniquely trained in the subspecialty of eyelid surgery but is also very knowledgeable about  eyes  in general.

--Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbit Surgeon--
Mr Raghavan Sampath DO, FRCS, FRCOphth
While this website is intended to provide general information, the content is not intended to represent official policies and practices of the institutions mentioned in the website  or to substitute for health care provided by a clinician.
Content and design copyright © Mr. Raghavan Sampath (2010-2015)

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Eyelid bags
Eyelid tumours
Facial or lid lumps or lesions
Facial palsy
Lid position abnormalities
Orbital fractures
Orbital tumours
Thyroid eye disease
Watery eyes
Wrinkles/facial lines treatment
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--Consultant Ophthalmologist--