--Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbit Surgeon--
Mr Raghavan Sampath DO, FRCS, FRCOphth
While this website is intended to provide general information, the content is not intended to represent official policies and practices of the institutions mentioned in the website or to substitute for health care provided by a clinician.
Content and design copyright © Mr. Raghavan Sampath (2010-2015)
- Sampath R, Ridgeway A.E.A., Leatherbarrow B.: ‘Bacterial Keratitis following Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratotomy’ a case report. Eye 1994 8:481-2
- Sujatha S, Sampath R, Tullo A.B., Bonshek R.E.: ‘Conjunctival Haemangiopericytoma’ : a case report. Brit J. Ophthalmol. 1994;78:497-99
- Sampath R, Noble J.L., Leatherbarrow B.: ‘Merocel Nasal Tampon : its use in Oculoplastic and Lacrimal procedures’ . Eye 1994; 8:704-5
- Sampath R, Saunders D.C., Leatherbarrow B.: ‘The Fasanella Servat Procedure in Levator Disinsertions : A Retrospective Study’ Eye 1995;9:124-125
- Fison P.N., Sampath R, Leatherbarrow B. et al: ‘Glaucoma vs Migraine – a diagnostic confusion’ British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1995;53:410-411.
- Murdoch J.R., Sampath R, Noble J.L.: ‘The Use of Calvarial Bone Grafts in the late management of orbital floor fracture’ Orbit 1996;15(1):33-36.
- Sampath R, Shah S, Leatherbarrow B.: ‘The management of Optic Nerve compromising Retrobulbar Haemorrhage’ Eye 1995;9:533-535.
- Shah S, Sampath R, Rhatigan M, Leatherbarrow B.: ‘The Use of Proplast as a sub-periosteal implant for the correction of anophthalmic enophthalmos: A prospective study’ Brit J of Ophthalmol 1995;79:830-33.
- Ashworth JL, Rhatigan M, Sampath R, Brammar R, Sunderland S, Leatherbarrow B.:‘The Hydroxyapatitie Orbital Implant: A Prospective Study’ Eye 1996;10:29-37.
- Murdoch JR, Sampath R, Lavin MJ, Leatherbarrow B.: Autogenous labial mucous membrane and banked scleral patch grafting for exposed retinal explants. EYE 1997;11:43-6.
- Collin JRO, Sampath R, Watts C, Pitts J, Rowson N, McGrowther A.: ‘Eyelid problems and Facial Palsy’ Saudi Journal of Ophthalmol. 1996;10:106-114.
- Sampath R, Parmar D, Cree I, Collin JRO.: ‘Histology of xanthelasma lesion treated by argon laser photocoagulation’ Eye 1998;12:479-480.
- Kamel S, Baroumpati F, Sampath R : ‘Periorbital Necrotising Fascitis in a child’ Eye 1999;13:678-679.
- Ryan PJ, Sampath R: ‘Idiopathic orbital inflammation following intravenous pamidronate’ Rheumatology 2001;40:956-957
- Singh AJ, Saradia UA, Brown L, Jagjivan R, Sampath R: A histological analysis of lens capsules stained with trypan blue for capsulorrhexis in phacoemulsication cataract surgery. EYE 2003;17:567-570.
- Lagnoda R, Tan J, Cole R, Sampath R: Aqueous humour levels of topically applied bupivacaine 0.75% in cataract surgery.Journal of cataract and refractive surgery 2003
- Cheung D, Brown L, Sampath R: Localized inferior orbital fibrosis associated with porcine dermal collagen xenograft orbital floor implant. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2004;20:257-9.
- Bradycardia in evisceration with implant a case report– Burns J, Sampath R Orbit 2005
- Shery T, Tan J, Lawden M, Sampath R: Optic nerve sheath fenestration for intracranial hypertension associated with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.Ophthalmic Plastic and reconstructive Surgery 2004;20:325-7.
- Cheung D, Woodruff G, Brown L, Sampath R: Extranasal glioma. EYE:2005;19:239-40.
- Prabhakar VC, Cheung D, Brown L, Sampath R: Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease as a bilateral orbital presentation accepted for publication EYE 2005. .
- Endogenous endophthalmitis treated with systemic ciprofloxacin and linezolid; Knapp C, Sampath R Annals of Ophthalmology, 1530-4086, Dec 2006
- Supraorbital nodule biopsy leading to the diagnosis of giant cell arteritis Tesha P, Sampath R APLAR Journal of Rheumatology Volume 10 Issue 1 Page 76-77, April 2007
- Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration : A Five year experience.Knapp C, Sampath R Published Neuro-ophthalmology Journal 2007.
- Ophthalmic management of Facial Palsy: Review Article: Knapp C, Burns J, Sampath R. TNOA Journal 2008
- Yellow lid sign in Wegener's Granulomatosis Dharmasena, Tambe K, Burns J, Sampath R: Orbit;28:194-195 2009
- Intravenous Methyl Prednisolone in the management of Thyroid eye disease Tambe K, Burns J, Samparh R accepted for publication Orbit 2010.
- Massons' Tumour a case series Wagh V, Tambe K, Burns J, Sampath R accepted for publication ASOPRS journal 2010.
- Necrotising fasciitis : a case series. Tambe K, Joyce B, Tripathi A, Sampath R accepted for publication in the EYE journal
- Periocular Lymphoma : Diagnosis and Management : Review Article Berry Brincat A, Burns J, Sampath R:TNOA Journal 2010
Other contributions / Book chapters
- Sampath R, Leatherbarrow B, Noble J.L.: ‘Management of Orbital Wall Fractures’ in the guidelines handbook published by the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital 1994.
- Sampath R: Acted as an abstractor of articles for the ‘Ophthalmic literature’ published in ’93.
- Sampath R, Sunderraj P.P.: Lomefloxacin Clinical Expert Report for a drug company
- Singh AJ, Brown L, Sampath R. Histological Analysis of Lens Capsules Stained with Trypan Blue. In Biostaining in Ocular Micosurgery. Pandey SK, Ed, Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publisher, 2005
- Sampath R et al Surgical Atlas of Orbital Diseases Subrahmanyam M Ed Jaypee Brothers 2008
--Consultant Ophthalmologist--